
esela - The legal network for social impact
Who we are

An international network of people who are reshaping legal systems and practice for good
esela is a non-profit global alliance of lawyers, advisors, academics and entrepreneurs. Our members are working to create a sustainable and inclusive economy that promotes positive social impact.
We are interested in the role of the law and lawyers in reshaping legal systems and practice for good through impact investing, social entrepreneurship, business and human rights, the response of business to the climate emergency, 'profit with purpose' and related disciplines.
Our aim is to promote a better understanding of the law in these practice areas, and so to support the development and growth of a more sustainable and inclusive economy.
Become a member
There are three types of esela membership.
Strategic Partner is the closest of our memberships, designed for aligned institutions. Membership for these firms includes being profiled prominently on the esela site nominating individual lawyers to be recognised in the esela directory of key contacts. Strategic Partners receive complimentary tickets to the esela Annual Conference.
Strategic Partnership is €2,000 per year
Individual membership is available to all. Individual members are listed prominently on the esela directory of key contacts, and their firm benefits from a separate page, linked to their personal profile. Individual members receive a discount on tickets for in-person events, and complimentary tickets to online events.
Individual membership is €50 - €250 per year
Organisation membership category is reserved for organisations that are not law firms. Organisation members receive a discount on tickets for in-person events, and complimentary tickets to online events.
Organisation membership is €200 per year
To find out about member benefits, click below.
Note for members
To find your discount code for an esela event, log into your online esela profile and visit esela the Members Only Area at esela.eu/members.
About #eselaVC21
Our annual gathering took place in a virtual setting, from 8 -31 March 2021. The event brought together like-minded law firms, lawyers, investors, entrepreneurs, academics, advisors and policy makers to examine how the law is being used to create positive social and environmental impact around the world.
Delegates joined to learn about the new sustainable and inclusive forms of capitalism which are emerging – and how you can play your part in this transition. Members can view the recordings of the sessions.