Legal Innovation for Sustainable Investments (LISI) is holding a survey to learn about anchoring impact in investment term sheets.
LISI provides an open platform for investment, legal experts, and investment stakeholders to co-create and engage in dialogue. LISI aims to make and promote quality and accessible legal instruments that benefit all stakeholders and accelerate the transition to a more sustainable and inclusive society.
The survey is designed to help LISI establish the key questions and clauses necessary to build a true impact term sheet.
The survey provides a number of clauses and questions you can choose from and has a few open-ended questions. LISI is seeking respondents with some understanding of term sheets, investment, or finance.
If you fall into one of the following categories, please consider completing the survey:
- investment legal counsels/lawyers/notaries
- legal counsel or investment/governance professional at civil society organisations
- legal counsel or investment/governance professional at governmental bodies
- investment account manager
- sustainability managers
The completion time is about 10 minutes.
To start the survey please click on this Link to LISI's Impact Term Sheet - Key Questions and Key Clauses - External Survey, powered by Survey Monkey.